Spirit Box App

The Miracle Box Spirit Communication App. FAQ and HOW TO USE.

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  2. Spirit Box App Iphone
  3. Spirit Box App
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  5. Spirit Box App Pc
  6. Spirit Box App For Pc

The new Miracle Box app is out now on iOS and Android and this page is a must read and the videos a must watch so you can learn how to use the app, learn how spirits use it to speak when they connect and how to get the most from the app by using it correctly.

There is also a Frequently Asked Questions on this page that will answer every question you may have about the app.

‎The HSB-1 is the H.O.P.E. Spirit Box by Joshua Louis. Get your own ghost box app — No internet needed. A simple, yet powerful app that empowers real spirit communication through instrumental trans-communication (ITC). HSB-1 is an efficient tool, as soon as you have an established connection with a. Clear and very responsive to spirit communication Released in 2015 (and still popular today), this is the must have software for your Instrumental Trans-Communication (ITC) research. There is no way to explain how clear sometimes the responses are. The idea is simple yet advanced.

A Video Showcasing samples using the app, and HOW to use it for the best results. There is more info below as well as a FAQ.


If you hear a reply from spirit using this app, it is 100% without a doubt spirit communicating with you as it is impossible to be anything else. I can not stress this enough. But will you be able to turn it on and just connect with the dead? Well, probably not.

I will say it now. This app is not going to work for everyone. Truth is, no real ITC app will. There are many apps out there that will bring you false positives and make you think there are spirits speaking to you. Some are designed to do this so the app sells and makes money. In fact, I can count on one hand the amount of real ITC apps that are available that are false positive free serious ITC apps.

The Miracle Box is in this category. It has the ability (as you can see in the sample video above) to bring full direct spirit contact. Conversational contact. It does so only when you can connect with spirit.It does so just as effectively as my Astral Doorway device as it is based on the same principles. This app is part Wonder Box, part Astral Doorway and part Miracle Box in one simple to use and easy to understand app.

Spirit Box App

Also, if you use this and do not get replies, you would not get them with my full size devices. This works in the same way, and the connection and results you get are up to YOU, not the app. The app just delivers the tools to the spirit to use if you connect.

To understand the app, one must also understand how spirits speak. It has been scientifically shown and proven by this app and my Miracle Box, (as well as by my older designs) that spirits manipulate audio to speak. This is 100% fact, period, end of story.

In order for a spirit to speak they will need an audio source of some kind. I discovered exactly how spirits were using audio years ago and is the reason why my communication took off as it did. When you understand how spirits speak, what they are, and how they can connect with us it becomes easy to not only communicate fluidly but to also create a way for them to do this in an effective way. Every spirit box ever made. Every app ever made. Every ITC device ever made that is built for communication has an audio source for spirits to use. A radio ghost box gives spirits radio to manipulate, but those are not implemented in a way that can bring fluid, clear, sentence length communication with one spirit. Most apps use either internet radio scanning or sound banks, both giving spirits audio to use to form words when they connect. A DR60 Recorder has internal grain and gritty noise that spirits use to form grainy and gritty answers, when a connection is made.

So every and any device or app made for communication gives spirit an audio source to use. The Miracle Box app does this in a way that allows for clearer, longer and more direct communication when someone connects with the spirits that want to speak.

But this is just PART of the puzzle as spirit communication goes way deeper than any device, app or sound bank.

It seems that many who want to get into ITC chase the devices much more so than building that ever so important connection within them to spirit. Without that connection there is no device that will be effective for communication. But if we build that connection to spirit that comes from the heart and soul they will trust us, help us and we will always be able to connect at almost anytime, anyplace.

Once we have a connection, finding the right tool can be a challenge as there are so many apps out there, and there are quite a few apps out there that are not based on any real ITC principles, but there are quite a few that actually are made to be real ITC tools.

When we do find the right tool and build that connection we can achieve communication anywhere, anytime. No need for Haunted locations as we bring spirits to us when they speak. Even so, a hot spot location such as the Bellaire House (or your favorite haunt) would probably bring some stunning communications for some as being there gets our heart rate up, our energy up and our excitement up. This in turn can “feed” the spirits with energy for them to speak. Energy plays a role when connecting as well.


Oh, and if you fear this and think it will bring evil spirits into your home, first see the FAQ below and second, NEVER USE THIS APP. If you fear spirits or anything having to do with ITC, I recommended not getting into ITC at all or ever. Fear is what will bring negative souls in, as well as your state of mind at the time of the session. Fear is an energy we put out, love is an energy we put out, excitement is an energy we put out and each type of energy will and can attract different kinds of spirits.

My Devices are now in App Form and $2997 LESS expensive ; )

I wanted to emulate my devices in app form, and if you have seen my recent work you will know I have been working on conversational connections with ONE spirit at at a time with the Miracle Box.

Let’s go back to talking about using a scanning radio for spirit communication again. Well, we can not achieve this easily with scanning radios as any scanning device will bring random and scattered spirits in when they do come in. But to converse with one spirit back and forth with direct answers in a crystal clear manner, well this has been a dream for years. The “Holy Grail” so to speak. In 2021 it’s been happening with my Miracle Box and is now possible with the app itself. No box is needed. Again, only to those who use it correctly and build a connection from within them to spirit or connect with a spirit who wants to speak.

You can use this to attempt communication with a loved one as well. I have been testing these banks doing just that with incredible mesmerizing results.

How ALL REAL ITC apps work.

As I mentioned, we must give spirits a voice and all apps and boxes do just this with an audio bank or scanning radio, etc.

The problem is that with many radio based devices and IP radio devices you can hear false positives very easily. This has happened to me and everyone who has used these kinds of devices at some point. With scanning devices the communication is fragmented and comes and goes.

Think about the connection with spirit as a line of light…let’s say the light is the audio source. If we give them one long stream of light, uninterrupted, we can keep that one spirit on the line. If we keep changing it or breaking off the light with sections of shadow (or scan) it breaks up the connection with the one spirit (like a scanning radio, as soon as one spirit connects with an audio snippet, they get lost so to speak when that snippet is scanned through to the next). To keep one spirit on the line speaking, we need to give them one constant long uninterrupted audio stream to manipulate.

The Miracle Box app does just this. It is a simple app that contains eleven sound banks with various “voices”. Male, Female, Old, Young, etc. It is designed to help you connect to a specific spirit or a random spirit if you would prefer that. None of these voices have any legible words or phrases and you will only hear answers if spirit uses the app.

I have also found by giving a spirit a similar voice to what they had on earth before they passed (or their old voice back) that it somehow makes it easier to connect when we put the work and effort in to do so.

By work and effort I mean the meditation, the focus, the love, respect and care. The seriousness you put into it. Real ITC to me is not about ghost hunts or Reality TV. To get results like you see me get with this app or my devices takes much more than turning on an app and asking for a spirit. This is serious stuff, not meant for fun and games or party tricks. The Miracle Box and the companion app is for those who want to take ITC seriously and grow their connection.

The $3 Miracle Box vs the $2500 DR60 Recorder! Even the Spirits Weigh in!


It’s a tool that one can work with to grow their connection. Some may pick it up and get instant communication, and if so, congrats! This means you have a pretty solid connection to spirit.

And a huge congrats to all of you who have already reported you have been making connections! That is WONDERFUL AND AWESOME!

To those who only hear gibberish coming out, this means no connection is present and the app is working as intended. The more you work at it, the better the chance of connecting and when you do, you will be amazed at what happens. When you start getting fluid responses to your questions you will be blown away and in disbelief as it will show you scientific evidence of spirit changing the audio.

Maybe you feel a presence. If so, pull out the app and ask a question and see what happens. It can show you if a spirit is there with you anytime, and anywhere because if you hear an answer you can understand, well, they are there. (Be sure to record)!

OH! The Miracle Box app banks are 100% gibberish and there is NO LANGUAGE associated with the app. The audio banks are reversed human speech and I use human speech as this is how we want to hear spirit back when they speak for the best clarity, in a voice like they had on earth. By using reversed speech it eliminates all chances of false positives, which is a beautiful thing but when you do not connect, this is what you will hear, gibberish. The banks matter and giving spirit chopped up banks will bring back chopped up responses. If we give them a fluid human voice, in reverse, when they connect they can take this and form full and fluid CLEAR sentence length replies. I showed this in my Wonder Box from years ago when I implemented “Direct Line Reverse Mode” in probably 50-60 videos.

Again! If you use the Miracle Box app and only hear gibberish this is normal and does not mean the app is defective. It means there is NO SPIRIT Connecting at that moment.

There is no device or app that brings the spirits in, WE DO!

You can read the story of how I connected HERE if you are interested. It’s long but worth a read. It also shows how serious I am about I.T.C.


When you load the app, you will be given a choice to pick an audio bank. Let’s say you pick “Elderly Female” and want to try and connect with your Grandmother on the other side. The app will load and you will see a slider that says “Spirit Voice” and a simple reverb control underneath. You will have record options as well, and recording and playback/review is a MUST no matter the ITC tool you use. Without recording you are wasting your time. All sessions must be recorded to truly hear any results that may come in. With the Miracle Box app you can record all sessions right into your device, or you can use an external camera like I do if you make videos. I do not use the recording feature of the app as I record all of my sessions to video, and review them with headphones on my computer. If you do not have that capability, you can use the recorder in the app.

The bank will start to play “behind the scenes” but it will not be heard until you are ready and use the Sprit Voice slider. Oh, and before the session you may want to meditate for your loved one (I will have guided meditation videos soon for this on my YouTube for those who want to try it with the app) as this can dramatically help you connect with a specific spirit or loved one. It’s why my group sessions are successful and we are able to connect with loved ones and get relevant messages coming in for members.LOVE is the KEY and this is part of the meditation.

After a short 15 minute meditation you will want to sit in a quiet spot with your tablet or phone in hand. Away from distractions and noise. Focus on the task at hand.

So the app is started and the bank is chosen. You are at the main screen. You have meditated and focused and are in a quiet space. Hit record on the app, and slowly as a question. Move the “Spirit Voice” slider to the right for as long as you feel. Usually this will be between 1-3 seconds. I go by “feel”. Three seconds after you open and close the voice slider you will hear audio come out, which is the audio bank… which again is 100% gibberish and should not be understood. Unless a sprit connects and uses it.

If you hear an answer in normal human speech this means you connected. If you hear an answer you connected. THIS IS HUGE as it means you have a connection to spirit. If you hear gibberish or something you can not understand, again, this is normal. It means you did not connect at that moment. It doesn’t mean you can not connect at a different time, it just means you should try again another time.

Spirit Box App Pc

Connecting with spirit is not easy, and can take time. For some it comes instant, for others it may never happen. The key is LOVE as well as persistence and dedication.

As you watch the video on this page above you must realize that what you hear coming out 100% scientifically proves spirit is changing the audio, as the audio banks have no words or phrases. You will realize this when you try the app and all who have tried it already have realized this : )


I get asked about this all of the time. Language does not exist with spirits on the other side and this app has no language associated with it. Again, there are no words in ANY language. There is nothing you can understand. So you can use this no matter the language you speak.

When we pass and leave our body, we do just that. We leave our physical self. In spirit form we are energy. Light energy. We have no brain, no body, no physical self. No voice, no mouth, nothing like we have here as there are no limitations in spirit. There is no language as spirit does not speak like we do. If you speak French on earth, you do not speak French as spirit. Spirits will speak whatever language the operator speaks (you are the operator when using an app or device). Spirit uses us to speak, they enter us to speak. I have had thousands of spirits use my body as the vessel to speak and it has enriched my life beyond belief.

You have to realize that spirits are nothing like we are here on earth. The consciousness, the soul, the spirit…is what drives our body and life here and when that body fails as it is designed to do, our soul, our energy, our light leaves. We no longer have the physical self. We no longer have a body. Spirits can do many amazing and miraculous things. They can speak when we give them the tools and connect. They can show up in an image if we connect and use the right camera settings. When they do this, they are manipulating the image noise and colors to form an image of what they once looked like in life, not what they look like now.

See the spirits as the light energy that they are…AMAZING visuals.

This app, as simple as it is, uses tried and true techniques that I have discovered and honed over the last eleven years in all of my devices. The Portal, the Wonder Box, the Astral Doorway and the Miracle Box. The last video below at the bottom of this page will show you what this app can do, all on its own, when used with care, love, respect and a connection. It proves how spirits connect and speak, and no one on earth can debunk it when a spirit uses it. To use it with results takes an understanding of all of what I just talked about above but sadly I would say maybe 10% who download the app will read this page and learn how to use the app or want to understand the facts of real spirit connection and communication. Those who do though will get the most from this simple $3 app, and it it indeed Miraculous.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Where can I buy the app and how much is it?

A: The app can be found on the Google Play Store or Apple Store for $2.99. The proceeds go to the Developer, and I have elected to not take a penny from the app sales. This means I have no financial motivation here. The app is available NOW on the Apple Store and the Google Play Store. Just Search for “The Miracle Box”. On iOS it will say it was created by Chris Rogers (the developer) and on Android it will say “Chillseekers” who is my good friend Keith Weldon who helped me bring this to all of you.

Q: Will this bring bad spirits into my home?

A: Only if YOU bring them in. Using ANY ITC device can bring in many kinds of spirits. Lost Souls, Dark Souls, Light Souls, or just random spirits who say random things. It is up to YOU, not the app (or any device) as to what or who comes in for you. I always say “Love is the Key” and I mean this. In my life negativity, hate, jealousy, greed, anger and fear do not exist. I had to change my life completely to ensure I only connected with the light souls in my work and communications. You can read what I did HERE to achieve this but this is not necessary to achieve communication. When using ITC apps you must do so with love, respect, kindness, empathy and care if you want to avoid dark souls. NEVER use this app under the influence of drugs or even alcohol. Never belittle or talk down to a spirit. Never fear it. If you do, you will be putting out a negative energy that can attract dark souls. By using this app, you are doing so at your own risk. I have not reached a negative soul in years. This is because I do not fear them and I do all of my work from the heart and with love. So who you connect with, it solely up to you. The app is only the tool that allows who you attract in to speak.

Q: Is this only for the English Language?

A: NO! There is no language associated with this app. There is no Russian language as some have thought (unless you speak Russian and spirit is connecting and speaking Russian to you) there is no foreign language or well, any language. There are no words in the app in ANY language. There are no limitations for spirit as they can say anything they desire just by manipulating the gibberish audio banks. The audio banks are reversed human speech but have nothing that is understandable to you unless a spirit connects and changes that. If you speak Indian, and connect, the spirit will speak Indian to you. If you speak English, you will hear English. Even if I loaded in all FRENCH language banks, I would get English in response (and I have shown this in videos using my Astral Doorway in the past). Remember, SPIRITS change the sound with their energy and yours when you connect with them and they speak. This has been 100% proven again and again. So no there is no language here and spirts do not have language on the other side. Again, spirits have zero limitations as they do not have the body that limits them as they once had.

Q: Why didn’t you use white noise?

A: Fact: White Noise is one of the worst audio sources we can give spirit to use. While they can use it when they connect, it will sound awful. It will not be clear and will be hard to understand. The quality of response depends on the quality of the audio source we give spirit which is why I gave them human voice to use in the Miracle Box app. I reversed it to make it false positive free and by doing so it proves 100%💯 that spirits manipulate audio to speak, and it also proves without a shadow of a doubt that spirits are real and can speak. It’s an un-debunkable app when you get messages. That means no skeptic can explain it away when a spirit uses the app. For example, It is 100% impossible to debunk the video I have at the bottom of this page using this app.

Q: Can I connect to my loved ones with this?

A: Well, it is possible but it is also challenging. I have been using this app for the last few weeks to connect to loved ones for my members at YouTube and Patreon, and we have had amazing success. Remember though that I have spent years building a solid connection to the light, and spirits trust me which is a huge aspect when you get into deep connection. My guides help me connect as well. What you see me do with the app has taken many years and many life changes. I would say if you go about it with love, heart and kindness you can try this and you may have success. For best results spend 10-15 minutes doing a meditation to connect with your loved one from within you first. Visualize them in the light and with you and then try a session. Always do this with the right intent, and you may be able to reach a loved one. They CAN be with us at anytime, and are.

UPDATE:Many who have used the app have said they have successfully connected to their loved one using it. Others have not been able to. Again, it depends on YOU.

Q: This app is garbage, I only hear nonsense or gibberish!

A: That is by design and means the app is working but if you hear nonsense or gibberish that means you did not connect with spirit. Nothing will allow you to pick up a device, turn it on and talk to the dead (unless it’s one of those fake apps). It takes effort and dedication as well as using it correctly. When you clear your mind, BELIEVE and rid your mind of dark or negative thoughts and then use the app correctly (recording and review) you will eventually get a reply. Once you do that, you will be amazed and your mind will open further leading to more communication. If you hear gibberish it means you did not connect. This is better than having a fake app that is programmed to bring results so you THINK you are speaking with a spirit (yes, some apps do this). Also, with the numerous fake spirit box channels on YouTube today, I would bet none of them will try this app as it would expose the fact that they are fakes and have no connection ; ) They never even snow their audio source and the reason is because they are loading in the preset replies to their speaker or box.

This app can truly test a persons connection with spirit and at the same time it can help them establish and grow one of they are dedicated to it.

Q: Can I use this with a Portal or one of your Wonder Box devices?

A: Yes! But be sure to turn off the reverb on the app, and only use it on the Portal ; ) This will actually turn you portal into a sort of Astral Doorway. Leave your noise reduction off, and use the app slider to control the voice.

Q: Should I just open the voice and let it play rather than use the slider?

A: NO! This is not how you use the app nor will it bring desired results. To use the app you must focus, and be “hands on” so to speak. Ask the question and then open the slider for 1-3 seconds and wait for the reply. If spirit is there you will hear an answer. If not, you will hear gibberish. You can see how to use the app correctly in a session I did with just the app on my phone.

Q: Can I run this through a wonder box using the reverse mode?

A: NO!! If you do this you will get false positives as the source audio is reversed human speech (for a reason). Using the app with a reverse box or pedal will simply reverse the speech and play it forward, making you think you are hearing spirit when you are just hearing the re-reversed source audio.

Q: Will there be updates or new banks added in the future?

Spirit box app sv2

A: Possibly, if the app is liked and brings results for enough people then I am sure we can do many cool things in updates. We will see. But with the low cost, I am not sure how many we can do as I am not the one who makes the app, and the developer has to be compensated for his time.

Q: Do you need an internet connection to use this app?

A: Nope! No Internet or WiFi is needed as this app does not use or require a connection to the internet. This is great as many locations and hot spots have no internet or bad internet so it’s nice to have an app that doesn’t require it. I wanted to make sure no WiFi was needed here.

Q: Did you use this app for your JonBenet Ramsey Session?

A: YES and NO. For some of it I did, and for all if it I used the “Female Child” bank that is in the app. So the bank is there in this app that I used to connect to JonBenet. I tested all of the banks in the app during my last 20 or so video posts for members (not public). I used them in some of my latest public video releases as well. All of them brought me fluid communication when a connection was made.

Q: When you have a connection will it always be there and will I always get results?

A: NO. Even with my connection there are days I get nothing and there are many reasons for this. Our personal mood, our energy level, our excitement level, our state of mind, if we are down that day or if we have no true goal for the session can effect the connection day to day. Spirits will not always come in, even with a deep connection. You have to have a purpose and call out to a spirit you want to speak with. if you have a purpose for doing a session then there is a better chance they will come in. If you are excited about it, and believe, they will come in for you eventually.

Q: I did get replies but mine are not as clear as yours. Why is this?

A: While some of you are getting clear replies like me, others may get replies that’s sound as if the spirit is trying to form a message. You can hear part of it but not all. This simply means the connection is there but it is not as strong as it needs to be for spirit to come in clearly. The stronger and deeper the connection you make is, the clearer the replies will be. Same goes for almost any device, even the DR60 recorder.

Q: When I try to record with the app it is silent at playback! Help!

A: When you start the app for the first time it will ask you to allow microphone access. You must allow this or else the app can not record your session. If you did not allow this, you will most likely have to delete the app and re-install and then approve the microphone use. The record feature was tested and works well on both Android and iPhone devices but unless you approve of the mic use, it will not work. Also, if you have a really old device that could possibly cause an issue as well. Some users have solved this issue by deleting the app and re-downloading and installing it again.

Q: Do you prefer the Miracle Box app to the $2500 RRDR60 Recorder?

A: Even the spirits prefer the Miracle Box app. It’s clearer, quicker, and spirits can use it just the same but again, it’s better in every way. In fact, spirits use the miracle box app in the same way they use the DR60 except the audio given to them in the app is much better and easier for them to use over the grainy noise inside of the recorder. The $3 Miracle Box app beats the $2500 DR60 easily. Remember, the DR60 will bring you “noice” 90% of the time you use it. Many think anytime they hear noise it is spirit but that is not the case. It’s actually a defective recorder that creates this noise. But when you connect with spirit, they can use this noise to speak and sometimes they do it clearly. Most of the time it is very hard to understand what is said but every now and again it can be absolutely amazing. Many who do not have a connection think the DR60 is just broken recorder. Well, they are right but again, with that connection, it is a powerful tool for real spirit EVP. The Miracle Box app works the same way. Use it and hear gibberish and you did not connect but when you do, it will be 100X clearer than the DR60 recorder. For $3 it’s a no brainer tool for your ITC toolbox.

AN INCREDIBLE Session using just the App. No Box!

The last thing I will leave you with is that this app works, and works well for those who can connect with spirit. If you do not get messages, it’s not the app but rather your connection that needs work. This is not a bad thing as we all start somewhere, and again, just because it doesn’t work the first time you try it does not mean it will not work at a later date, a later time or in a new location.

The connection…I have been talking about this connection for 6 or 7 years now, and it is the most important aspect of communication.

The Miracle Box app proves itself when a spirit connects, and it is an app that no one can debunk or call fake because when a spirit uses it there is no other explanation other than a spirit is using it. That in itself is groundbreaking.

Spirit box app store

I truly Love you all, and thank you all for your love, support and kindness.

I get it, you want to be a ghost hunter. Watching shows like Ghost Hunters and Ghost Adventures has prepared you to become an expert, but where do you get the equipment?

Amazon sells products ranging from $30 to well over $500. There are so many options and it becomes a bit overwhelming.

Fortunately, with the technology we have today, you can get this equipment in the form of a mobile EVP app. Keep reading to find out what exactly EVP is, and some of the apps you can download.

What is EVP?

An EVP captured in an episode of Ghost Adventures

EVP stands for electronic voice phenomena. An EVP is an actual voice that is heard (or recorded), rather than the device that picks it up.

EVPs are usually short phrases or individual words, they aren’t all the same quality though. Some are clear and easy to understand, but many are very difficult to make out.

These EVPs need to be analyzed further, sometimes sped up or slowed down to fully understand what it means.

There are three different EVP categories (A, B, and C), rated by the quality.

Class A EVPs are clear and easy to understand.

Class B consists of EVPs that are a little harder to understand and are usually quieter or more distant.

Most EVPs are class B. Class C are the hardest to understand and can include whispering. These EVPs are very quiet as well.

So, where do EVPs come from? The answer hasn’t been found out yet! Most people assume that they come from the dead, but they could also come from another dimension as well.

Some argue that EVPs are the researcher’s subconscious picked up by a recorder. Of course, others think that it is all a fake; the voices are faked, or other noises are interpreted as the EVP.

EVPs are traditionally picked up on a piece of equipment called a spirit box. If you’ve watched any ghost hunting show, you know that a spirit box is a little device that sweeps through different radio frequencies to find any EVPs that may be coming through.

The average person doesn’t have a spirit box though, so detecting EVPs can become a challenge.

Now that you know what an EVP is, let’s look at five great apps for recording them:

Ghost Radar: Legacy

Price: Free

Available On: iOS and Android

Ghost Radar is the original ghost detecting app. You can download the original Classic version or this updated Legacy version. Both of these are free, but Ghost Radar: Legacy contains an ‘advanced user interface’, with:

  • Energy translation to words
  • Energy translation to radar indicators
  • Energy translation to numeric values
  • Energy translation to graphics
  • Word logs
  • Word log management
  • Advanced settings options
  • Reporting capability
  • Spoken words
  • Multi-language support
  • Multi-platform support

It’s always difficult to judge a ghost detecting app in a review; is the app faking noise or are they real?


Alternatively, is the app failing to pick up EVPs, or are there just none to pick up? Fortunately, we have some trustworthy reviews to work from. One review states;

“About a week ago I developed a tingle in my right temple that went all the way down to my jaw…

I turned on the app and the first word that come up was “tooth”. I had a dentist visit a few days later and sure enough, I had a tooth abscess that required a root canal.”

SV-2 SpiritVox “Ghost Box” SV1

Price: $9.99

Spirit Box App Iphone

Available On: Android

I know, paying almost $10 for an app sounds crazy if you are like me and refuse to download anything but free apps. This Ghost Box app is completely worth it though.


There are a lot of apps out there that are created and never tested by professionals, but Ghost Box is not one of them.

When you download this, rest assured that it’s not just an overpriced, fake app. Bill Murphy (Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files), Barry Fitzgerald, and Robb Demarest (Ghost Hunters International) have all used this app, confirming its validity.

These are three very qualified individuals who also think you should download this app!

This app is packed with features to help you record EVPs. Some of these features include;

  • 2 Noise Banks
  • 2 Recording Modes
  • 4 Noise Channels and the ability to control the speed
  • Ability to adjust channel ‘sweep’ rate
  • Recording/naming sessions

There are many promising reviews for this app, with one user stating;

“I downloaded Wavepad on my laptop & upon listening to my saved files I distinctly heard “Lisa” and “I miss you”. We were trying to get a response from my best friend Lisa who just passed Dec 2013 from cancer. Awesome!”

Spirit Box App

Sono X10 Spirit Box

Price: Free

Available On: iOS

Sono X10 Spirit Box works like a real spirit box device, turned into a free mobile app.

It can be a little confusing, causing the user to feel like it is fake, but the creators have helped with this. T

he page for this app in the App Store explains how to use their app to get the most out of it. When you download Sono X10, remember to read the explanation so you can begin right away!

This app works with English phonemes that ghosts and spirits can manipulate. Because of this, the voice that comes through isn’t the voice itself, but an indirect way of communication.

It’s important to remember that reviews for ghost and spirit detecting apps are extremely subjective.

This goes for the Sono X10 Spirit Box as well as every app on this list. Reviews on app stores tend to have a bias for apps like this, so if you really want a good, in-depth review, check blogs and other websites.

The Nerdic Vikings reviewed this app on their website. Initially, they were skeptical, but after a few tries they were a bit freaked out and convinced, ending their review by stating;

“Of course, it’s very easy to say that I’m just reading the words and interpreting them in my own way, and yes, I agree that it is a very subjective experience.

But the non-scientific side of me does wonder if perhaps these apps are tapping into something that we don’t yet understand, and maybe that’s the appeal of them – they’re driven by the quest for knowledge.”

Ghost Sonar

Price: $0.99

Available On: iOS

You opened up the app store on your phone and couldn’t find the right ghost detecting app for you. Don’t worry just yet though, Ghost Sonar is available for iOS, but can be downloaded directly through this website.

An online review of this app stated that Ghost Sonar is;

“…the only app I tested that never gave me any readings. Perversely, this makes me believe in its viability all the more—it would be pretty ballsy to release a ghost tracking program that doesn’t ever do anything.”

Like most apps, this detects EMFs (electric and magnetic fields), which are altered when a ghost is nearby. This, in addition to the EVP detector makes for a great app to assist you on your ghost hunting.

Ghost Hunting Tools

Price: Free

Available On: iOS and Android

Like many of the apps listed above, Ghost Hunting Tools uses EVP detection along with EMF meters. A recent update helped redesign the interface of this app, making it easier for you to use.

This app works like the Sono X10 Spirit Box, allowing ghosts and spirits to manipulate phonemes to create meaning. In addition to this, Ghost Hunting Tools also allows you to directly record an EVP.

One reviewer went from skeptic to believer while using this app, stating;

“… I know that this was likely just a random word generator… Then I actually asked questions directly expecting a response. I chose something I felt very strongly about. I asked, “Tell me the name of someone I love” … and it responded, “Alexander”, who is my oldest son. Color me a believer.”

Spirit Box App Tiktok

Ghost Observer

Price: Free

Available On: iOS and Android

Our final app on this list is a little less serious than the others. With it, you can see any spirit or ghost that may be around you.

Ghost Observer includes voice effects, letting you communicate with the ghost. The effects also include voices from the app itself telling you to run.

Spirit Box App Pc

This is a little silly, but many reviewers of this app stand behind the validity of it completely, claiming that it really detects and lets you communicate with spirits and ghosts.

A few reviews claim this app is a hoax, making up ghosts just to spook the user, but many reviews claim that this really detects ghosts, allowing you to see and communicate with them.

Spirit Box App For Pc

Who’s to say which is true, but if you are looking for a fun ghost detecting app, definitely check this one out.