
Acestream is a good way to get online live streaming of your favorite sports. Sky Sports, BBC Sports UK, and BIEN Sports both provide live streaming of Formula One. All of the links are given above. Formula 1 can also be watched live on a number of screens. However, the streams can also be used in browsers.

(Redirected from Streaming)
  • 1Launching broadcast
    • 1.2Transition from versions 2.0.х to version 2.1 and higher
    • 1.9Examples

Launching broadcast

  1. Rojadirecta is the ultimate biggest sport events index, tv channels and live sports streams accessible by the Internet World Wide via PC, Android, Iphone and HTML5.
  2. Ace Stream Media takes it upon itself to deliver high-definition video streams directly on your computer, without the hassle of having to download the files beforehand. In essence, the application.
  3. Acestream is designed for people who want to watch online videos and live streams without having to download content. Through Acestream you can watch content online and get a HD quality viewing. The software relies on P-P BitTorrent connections. This means that as more users watch a link or join a live stream, the connection won’t lag.
  4. Installing Ace Stream Engine. To run Ace Stream Engine you need to install some dependencies, download a tarball and unpack it in any folder you want. After that engine can be run from that folder with simple shell script included in the package. Here is an example how to install Ace Stream 3.1.14 for Ubuntu 14 in the folder /opt/acestream 1.

Main terms

  • Source - a program that accepts broadcast's HTTP-stream and provides playback of broadcast using ACE Stream software.
  • Support node - a program allowing to scale broadcast using additional server equipment and Internet-channels.
  • Client - ACE Stream software, which is used to play broadcast.

Transition from versions 2.0.х to version 2.1 and higher

From September, 10, 2013, upgraded version of the engine (2.1.6) for Ubuntu, Debian and CentOS is available.

Before using a new version for production, we recommend to test it on one or several broadcasts, if possible.

If you face any problems, please, write to the forum ( or email

Old versions are temporarily available in repository and by direct links:

Acestream Mac



CentOS 6:

ATTENTION! In the nearest future support for older versions will be stopped.

IMPORTANT! All broadcasts created via new version of Ace Stream (2.1 and higher) are not suppported by client software of old versions (2.0.х and lower). If you attempt to watch a new broadcast using the old engine, an error 'Cannot load transport file' will appear.

Changes in launch parameters

Some parameters of the launch of sources and support nodes from the command line have been changed, therefore the launch with the old command line will not work.

Main changes:

  • one executable file is used acestreamengine; different launch modes (a source, support node) are set by options:
    • instead of acestreamengine-stream you should launch acestreamengine --stream-source
    • instead of acestreamengine-node you should launch acestreamengine --stream-node
    • instead of acestreamengine-client-console you should launch acestreamengine --client-console
    • instead of acestreamengine-client-gtk you should launch acestreamengine --client-gtk
  • log system is changed. In old versions the engine output all debug information into STDERR and redirecting the output was required to write logs into a file. In a new version it is possible to define in options, where to write logs - into STDOUT, into STDERR, into a file or syslog. Rotation of logs by their size is supported for files. You can read description of all options in acestreamengine command

acestreamengine command

Starting from version 2.1 Ace Stream Engine for Linux represents a single executable file acestreamengine, which works in different modes, depending on specified parameters.

Work mode is set by one of the following parameters:

  • --client-console - launch engine in a client mode from console (without a graphic interface)
  • --client-wx - launch engine in a client mode with a graphic interface WX
  • --client-gtk - launch engine in a client mode with a graphic interface GTK
  • --stream-source - launch a source of broadcast
  • --stream-node - launch a support node
  • --create-transport - create a transport file from existing content (VOD)
  • --create-transport-multi - create a multi-stream transport file
  • --version - show engine version

Each work mode has their own required and not required parameters, described in appropriate sections.

Also all work modes have common parameters that manage the output of debug information.

  • --log-stdout - deduce information in STDOUT
  • --log-stderr - deduce information in STDERR
  • --log-file PATH - deduce information in a specified file
  • --log-max-size SIZE - maximum file size (bytes)
  • --log-backup-count COUNT - how many backup logs have to be stored (backup log file is created when a limit, specified by a parameter --log-max-size, is reached)
  • --log-file-buffer SIZE - enable buffering of output into the file (using buffer of specified size in bytes)
  • --log-syslog HOST - deduce information in syslog-server at the specified address
  • --log-syslog-port PORT - syslog-server port
  • --log-syslog-facility FACILITY - used facility
  • --log-syslog-buffer SIZE - enable buffering of output into syslog (using buffer of specified size in bytes)

Common work scheme

Broadcast organization starts from launching the source (command acestreamengine-stream).The source accepts HTTP-stream to input (at this moment HTTP-streams with MPEG-TS encapsulation are supported) with original broadcast and creates a file with acelive extension after the launch. This file is a unique identifier of broadcast and it is used for connection and playback by clients.

Syntax of acestreamengine --stream-source command

acestreamengine --stream-source command launches broadcast source.

required parameters

  • --name NAME - broadcast name (this name is used when creating acelive and other service files)
  • --source SOURCE - source (link to http-stream)
  • --bitrate BITRATE - average bitrate of stream in bytes per second

optional parameters

  • --title TITLE - 'readable' broadcast name (this name is shown to clients). If it's not specified, it's taken from --name
  • --destdir DESTDIR - old parameter, it's better to use --cache-dir and --publish-dir
  • --cache-dir CACHE_DIR - directory for creating service files (broadcast cache and others)
  • --publish-dir PUBLISH_DIR - directory, in which acelive-file will be created
  • --piecesize PIECESIZE - piece size in bytes, power of two (if it's not specified, it's set automatically depending on bitrate)
  • --duration DURATION - size of broadcast cache in format HH:MM:SS (by default, one hour: 01:00:00)
  • --host HOST - set address of local tracker manually
  • --port PORT - port, where the engine works
  • --skip-internal-tracker - disable local tracker
  • --add-authorized-peers - add list of authorized peers to acelive file
  • --private-source - make the source private
  • --support-node SUPPORT_NODE - add support node (in format ip:port). This parameter may appear multiple times if several support nodes have to be added.
  • --tracker TRACKER - add tracker(announce url). This parameter may appear multiple times.
  • --trackers TRACKERS - old format for adding trackers (announce url list separated by commas)
  • --provider-key PROVIDER_KEY - provider's key (only for commercial broadcasts)
  • --maxclients MAXCLIENTS - maximum number of peers, on which data from the source are given simultaneously
  • --log-debug DEBUG - set the debug level (default is 0 - minimum log level)
  • --source-read-timeout SECONDS - timeout for reading data from the original source (in seconds). Default is 30.
  • --source-reconnect-interval SECONDS - interval is seconds, after which the engine will try to reconnect to the original source in case of connection lost. Default is 5.
  • --pid-file-dir PATH - the directory where engine's pid file is created. Default is /tmp.
  • --provider-key - provider key (for an affiliate program)
  • --sid - content identificator for statistics(for an affiliate program)
  • --permanent - mark the broadcast as 24/7 (it's available all the time)
  • --date-start YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss - set the data and time of the broadcast start (for the broadcasts which runs during a limited time)
  • --date-end YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss - set the data and time of the broadcast end(for the broadcasts which runs during a limited time)
  • --premium - request a 'premium' status for the broadcast
  • --upload-limit - limit upload speed (bytes/s, default is 0 - don't limit)
  • --max-connections - limit total number of connections (default is 1000)
  • --max-peers - limit number of connections to other peers (default is 50)
  • --service-remote-access - enable remote statistics
  • --service-access-token - password for remote statistics access
  • --stats-report-interval - interval in seconds between internal statistics update (default is 60)
  • --stats-report-peers - update information about connected peers in the internal statistics (increases CPU load)


  • -h, --help - show commands' description

Syntax of acestreamengine --stream-node command

acestreamengine --stream-node command launches support node.

required parameters

  • --url URL> - link to acelive file of broadcast

optional parameters

  • --port PORT - port(by default: 8621)
  • --state-dir STATE_DIR - directory for temporary files (it's deleted after support node installation)
  • --source-node SOURCE_NODE - address of broadcast source (ip:port)
  • --support-node SUPPORT_NODE - add address of another support node (ip:port). This parameter may appear multiple times.
  • --allow-source-download - allow receiving data from the source
  • --allow-support-download - allow receiving data from other support nodes
  • --allow-peers-download - allow receiving data from ordinary peers
  • --max-connections MAX_CONNECTIONS - limit number of total connections (default is 1000)
  • --max-peers MAX_PEERS - limit number of connections to other peers (default is 50)
  • --max-upload-slots MAX_UPLOAD_SLOTS - maximum number of peers, on which data from support node are given simultaneously (by default: 7)
  • --max-download-speed MAX_DOWNLOAD_SPEED - maximum download speed (byte/s). By default: 0 (no restrictions).
  • --max-upload-speed MAX_UPLOAD_SPEED - maximum upload speed (byte/s). By default: 0 (no restrictions).
  • --log-debug DEBUG - set the debug level (default is 0 - minimum log level)
  • --service-remote-access - enable remote statistics
  • --service-access-token - password for remote statistics access
  • --stats-report-interval - interval in seconds between internal statistics update (default is 60)
  • --stats-report-peers - update information about connected peers in the internal statistics (increases CPU load)


  • -h, --help - show commands' description

Embedded tracker

Embedded tracker is a tracker embedded into broadcast source. If it's not disabled by --skip-internal-tracker option, its address will be added to acelive-file automatically.

When organizing broadcast with many users, we recommend to disable embedded tracker and replace it with external tracker with a good productivity (for example, XBT Tracker).

Authorized nodes

Client have to establish connection with at least two other nodes or an authorized node, to be connected to broadcast and start playback. Authorized node is a node, which was marked by broadcast's creator as a 'trustworthy'. Usually it's a broadcast source and/or support nodes.

The latest versions of ACE Stream software support using list of authorized nodes in acelive-file. For this --add-authorized-peers option is set when creating broadcast, after this the list of authorized nodes is created and added to acelive-file. Broadcast source (if it's not private) and all specified support nodes are in the list of authorized nodes. Clients that received this acelive-file use the list to determine whether a node is authorized.

If the list of authorized nodes was not added to acelive-file or an old version of ACE Stream, which doesn't understand this list, is installed, then authorized node is a node, IP address of which matches address of the first tracker from trackers' list. If embedded tracker is enabled on the source, it will be the first one on the list and clients will consider the source as authorized node. If embedded tracker is disabled, to support other clients we recommend to put on the first place tracker, located on the same server as broadcast source (so addresses of the first tracker and the source matched) or use at least one support node (so clients, when starting broadcast, could connect to two peers simultaneously, even if nobody watches broadcast).


For examples let's assume that there is a local network with three servers:

  • - server for the source
  • - server for support node
  • - server for support node
  • - server that gives original broadcast's stream (HTTP MPEG-TS) at (average bitrate of stream - 300 000 byte/s)

It's assumed that on server there is a web-server with a core directory /home/www and two other directories:

  • /home/www/streams - for keeping acelive-files, which will be available for downloading by a link like
  • /tmp/streams - for keeping cache and service files of broadcast

Source with embedded tracker

This is the easiest way to launch broadcast that does not require launching support nodes and installing additional trackers. This method is suitable for broadcasts with a small number of users.

We launch the source on server

The last line is used to write logs into file /tmp/test-source.log. By default acestreamengine --stream-source outputs all debug information in the STDOUT.

--add-authorized-peers option adds the list of authorized nodes to acelive-file (in this case, it's the source:

After broadcast's launch a file test.acelive will be created in directory /home/www/streams, in directory /tmp/streams such files will be created:

  • test - broadcast cache. This file's size is approximately equal to stream_duration_in_seconds (--duration option, by default: 1 hour) * bitrate byte
  • test.restart - information for correct restart of broadcast is kept here
  • test.sauth - key for a broadcast's digital signature

To watch broadcasts clients can download broadcast file at and start it in ACE Stream player or use other ways (Ways to watch broadcasts).

Source with external tracker

If broadcast involves a large number of users, it's better to use external tracker and disable embedded one (to reduce burden on the source).

We recommed to use XBT Tracker as external tracker.

In this example we assume that XBT Tracker is installed and launched on server broadcast's launch will look like:

--skip-internal-tracker option disconnects embedded tracker, --tracker option connects external tracker.

Source with two support nodes

If there is not enough upstream bandwidth for normal work of broadcast on the source, support nodes can be used. Support node is often a node that receives data from the source and gives to clients (though support node can also receive data from other support nodes and even clients, depending on its settings). It makes sense to install support node on a separate server with a good width of output channel.

To make a scheme with support nodes work with maximum efficiency, addresses of these nodes must be given to the sourceusing --support-node option:

Launch support nodes on servers and (commands are the same):

Option --source-node sets source address.

Option --allow-source-download allows support node to download data from the source (downloading from other support nodes and clients in this case is forbidden).

To allow support nodes to download data from other suppport nodes, you should set a list of other nodes using --support-node option and allow downloading using --allow-support-download option.

On server it will look like:

On server

Private source with two support nodes

Sometimes it may be necessary to prevent clients from direct access to broadcast source. For example, the source may be located on server in protected area without access from the outer world. In this case broadcast can be organized by the following scheme:

  • the source is made private (only support nodes, specified explicitly, can receive data from it)
  • support nodes receive data from the source and give to clients
  • clients receive data from support nodes

To make the source private, option --private-source must be specified:


Notice that in this configuration tracker's address is changed to udp:// It was made to support old versions of clients, which do not process a list of authorized peers (more details here Authorized peers).Launch support nodes on servers and as usual:

Recent scripts and configuration examples

Python-based launch scripts with configuration examples and some brief explanation available via

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142,130 downloadsUpdated: April 18, 2019Freeware / Ad-supported

A video streaming application that enables you to connect to peer-to-peer networks and play the desired multimedia content without downloading it to your computer first

Internet video streaming has become a widespread commodity in the last few years, thanks to the rise of popular websites like YouTube or Twitch. The next logical step in the equation is the ability to stream full-HD movies directly to your computer, without the need to download the actual multimedia content on your hard drive.

Multiple components working together for crystal-clear video streams

Ace Stream

Ace Stream Media takes it upon itself to deliver high-definition video streams directly on your computer, without the hassle of having to download the files beforehand. In essence, the application is a collection of tools working in tandem to make the technology viable, including a media player, broadcast nodes and servers, as well as BitTorrent support for peer-to-peer networks. The latter is used in order to facilitate faster speeds and work around any bandwidth limitations.

It is worth noting that, although you are not required to download the content beforehand, you do need enough space on your drive to hold the cache folder, in which the streamed videos are temporarily stored.

In addition, the streams can be accessed and played directly into the preferred web browser, including Firefox, Opera or Google Chrome, thanks to the plug-ins and add-ons delivered with the application. These enable you to effortlessly watch video torrents by simply clicking on their magnet link, which opens TS Magic Player. As a stand-alone application, Ace Stream Media installs a modified version of the well-known VLC media player, called Ace Player HD.

Innovative multimedia platform based on P2P technology

To make all of the aforementioned gimmicks properly function together, the application employs a new and innovative multimedia platform, formed out of a wide variety of other technologies that come together in order to deliver a highly efficient streaming method. Hence, the underlying power of Ace Stream Media comes from its peer-to-peer capabilities, which allows it to use the BitTorrent protocol in order to connect you and other users around the web and facilitate the data transfer of large video files.

Thus, the platform can be used for a number of other applications as well, such as live streaming and broadcasting, decentralized social networks and on-demand video services. In addition, the image quality achievable with P2P technology is significantly higher than other streaming methods, especially when it comes to the fully-HD 1080p format.

Closing arguments

Although it can be rather difficult to get the overall hang of the application and even more so to understand its underlying principle, the technology is neatly delivered into a friendly package, which allows you to jump right into the action and enjoy high-quality video content over the Internet. Furthermore, the included media player and browser extensions are extremely helpful and they allow you to quickly take advantage of the available streams.

Filed under

Ace Stream Media was reviewed by Alexandru Dulcianu

Acestream F1

  • Internet Connection
  • Web Browser
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