Download Mouse Helper Pubg 2.2

PUBG Lite is a free-to-play adaptation of PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS, allowing those with less access to high end hardware to enjoy the same thrilling situations and intense gunplay PUBG fans around the world have come to love. So drop in, loot up, and battle it out to be the last one standing!

Download Mouse Helper Pubg 2.2

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Oct 30th, 2017

Download Pubg Mouse Helper 2.2

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Download Mouse Helper Pubg 2.2 Download

  1. ; PUBG Helper by FxOxAxD [Ver: 0.95]
  2. ;# Configuration #
  3. #NoEnv ; Improves performance and compatibility with future AHK updates.
  4. #SingleInstance force ; It allows to run only one at the same time.
  5. SetTitleMatchMode, 2 ; Matching for window title.
  6. #ifwinactive, PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS ; enabled only when in PUBG.
  7. ;#####################
  8. ;#####################
  9. isMouseShown() ; To suspend script when mouse is visible.
  10. ADS = 0 ; Var for fast aiming.
  11. AutoFire = 0 ; Var for autofiring.
  12. Compensation = 1 ; Var for compensation when autofiring.
  13. compVal = 8 ; Compensation value. (Default: 8, optimal for short/mid range)
  14. ;########################################
  15. ;########################################
  16. isMouseShown() ; It suspends the script when mouse is visible (map, inventory, menu).
  17. StructSize := A_PtrSize + 16
  18. NumPut(StructSize, InfoStruct)
  19. Result := NumGet(InfoStruct, 8)
  20. if Result > 1
  21. else
  22. }
  23. {
  24. Suspend On
  25. Suspend Off
  26. }
  27. ;# Fast Aiming #
  28. if ADS = 1
  29. { ; If enabled, clicks once and clicks again when button is released.
  30. SendInput {RButton Down}
  31. SendInput {RButton Up}
  32. } else { ; If not, just keeps holding until button is released.
  33. KeyWait, RButton
  34. }
  35. ;# CrouchJump #
  36. *$Space::
  37. {
  38. If ErrorLevel = 1 ; If Space is holding then jumps and crouch.
  39. SendInput {Space}{c down}
  40. Sleep 500 ; And keeps crouching 0.5 seconds to improve the jump.
  41. } else { ; Else just jumps.
  42. }
  43. SendInput {Space}
  44. ;# AutoFire #
  45. ~$*LButton:: ; AutoFire
  46. If GetKeyState('RButton') ; Only works while holding aim (so you'll be able to throw grenades)
  47. if (AutoFire = 1 || Compensation = 1)
  48. Loop ; If AutoFire or Compensation are activated loops this section.
  49. Sleep 1
  50. if LButton = U ; If Left Click is released then breaks the loop.
  51. If AutoFire = 1 ; If enabled keeps clicking.
  52. if Compensation = 1 ; If enabled, call to Compensation.
  53. ; Gosub, RandomSleep ; Call to RandomSleep. (Currently unstable)
  54. }
  55. }
  56. RandomSleep: ; Random timing between clicks, just in case.
  57. Sleep %random%-5
  58. ;########################
  59. ;########################
  60. mouseXY(x,y) ; Moves the mouse down to compensate recoil (value in compVal var).
  61. DllCall('mouse_event',uint,1,int,x,int,y,uint,0,int,0)
  62. ;# ToolTip #
  63. ToolTip(Text) ; Function to show a tooltip when activating, deactivating or changing values.
  64. activeMonitorInfo(X, Y, Width, Height) ; Get current resolution
  65. yPos := Height / 2 + (Height / 10)
  66. ToolTip, %Text%, xPos, yPos ; Tooltips are shown under crosshair.
  67. SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, 1300 ; Removes tooltip after 1.3 seconds.
  68. RemoveToolTip:
  69. ToolTip
  70. }
  71. /*
  72. activeMonitorInfo(X, Y, Width, Height) ; Get current resolution
  73. yPos := Height / 2 + (Height / 10)
  74. ;SoundPlay, *64 ; Simple beep. If the sound card is not available, the sound is generated using the speaker.
  75. Gui +LastFound +AlwaysOnTop -Caption +ToolWindow
  76. Gui, Font, s16, Arial
  77. WinSet, TransColor, %CustomColor%
  78. Sleep, 600
  79. Return
  80. */
  81. ;####################################
  82. ;####################################
  83. ; Toggles
  84. Suspend
  85. {
  86. } else
  87. return
  88. *XButton2::( ADS = 0 ? (ADS := 1,ToolTip('ADS ON')) : (ADS := 0,ToolTip('ADS OFF')) ) ; ADS Toggle
  89. *NumPadDot::( Compensation = 0 ? (Compensation := 1,ToolTip('Compensation ON')) : (Compensation := 0,ToolTip('Compensation OFF')) ) ; Compensation Toggle
  90. *NumPad0::( CrouchJump = 0 ? (CrouchJump := 1,ToolTip('CrouchJump ON')) : (CrouchJump := 0,ToolTip('CrouchJump OFF')) ) ; CrouchJump Toggle
  91. ~CapsLock:: ; AutoFire Toggle
  92. {
  93. ToolTip('AutoFire OFF')
  94. AutoFire = 1
  95. }
  96. compVal := compVal + 2
  97. Return
  98. *NumpadSub:: ; Substracts compensation.
  99. {
  100. ToolTip('Compensation ' . compVal)
  101. Return
  102. ;##########################
  103. ;##########################
  104. activeMonitorInfo( ByRef X, ByRef Y, ByRef Width, ByRef Height )
  105. { ; Retrieves the size of the monitor, the mouse is on
  106. CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
  107. SysGet, monCount, MonitorCount
  108. { SysGet, curMon, Monitor, %a_index%
  109. if ( mouseX >= curMonLeft and mouseX <= curMonRight and mouseY >= curMonTop and mouseY <= curMonBottom )
  110. X := curMonTop
  111. Height := curMonBottom - curMonTop
  112. return
  113. }

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