Star Wars Imperial Base Map

Galaxy At War, is a Star-Wars themed mod being built for GEM2. Galaxy At War aims to bring a well rounded and diverse sandbox experience. RSS Imperial Hydro Base (Map and Title WIP) (view original). Originally found on Imperial Assault Scans But I used Photoshop to get rid of the grid, since roll20 has it's own grid. There are a few inconsistencies on parts of the map where the grid was. The squares on the floor has some random lines in it. It wasn't a big deal to me so i just left it there. Here's an example: Star Wars Dnd map asset.

Last year The Force Awakens brought us a slew of new worlds. As the canvas of the Star Wars galaxy developed, so its map grew. Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Guide built upon the work laid down in 2009’s Star Wars: The Essential Atlas placing the worlds of that film onto the map, alongside long-established planets and hyperspace routes, giving readers and visitors fresh places to explore. Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide does much the same.

A year later, Rogue One is here and with it, a trove of new environments. These worlds are now being folded into the wider galaxy, but in a different way. Unlike The Force Awakens which takes place 32 years after Return of the Jedi, Rogue One is set deep in the heart of the most familiar canonical territory. The adventures and missions that happen in the film inform many of the key elements of the movie that started the saga — A New Hope.

From the familiar fourth moon of Yavin to the rain-sodden soils of Lah’mu, the beaches of Scarif to the Imperial labor camps of Wobani, let’s take a hyperspace tour through the worlds of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.


Outer Rim Territories, Raioballo sector

Lying north of Dantooine and the Myto’s Arrow hyperspace lane, on the edge of the Void of Chopani and the Chopani sector is the storm-battered world of Lah’mu. This is the planet where, with the help of rebel Saw Gerrera, the brilliant scientist Galen Erso hid from the Empire with his wife Lyra and their daughter Jyn. A terraformed world of black soils and little else, it sits within the Raioballo sector with the Veragi sector to the north, Chopani north-east, Myto sector to the west, Clacis south-west and Relgim to the south. The region was hotly contested during the Galactic Civil War with a number of remote worlds believed to be the hidden location of the rebels’ hidden base, including Dantooine, south of the Myto’s Arrow hyperspace lane.

Ring of Kafrene

Expansion Region, Thand sector

Strike out south from Lah’mu and head down the Braxant Run through the Outer Rim to the junction of the Hydian Way at Bandomeer. From there head down through the Mid Rim, the Expansion, the Inner Rim, the Colonies and the Core, staying on the Hydian Way until Brentaal. Cut across to Coruscant, pick up the Corellian Run down to Corellia in the Core Worlds, branch off onto the Corellian Trade Spine and stay on it all the way to Kinyen in the Expansion. (Easy, right?) From there, you are plotting your own route up to the Thand Sector and the asteroid belt known as the Ring of Kafrene. Controlled by the Galactic Empire this striking construction, built during the era of the Old Republic, pulled together two huge asteroids and linked them via vast superstructures. Interconnecting travel systems link the two asteroids and on its surface a sprawling trading area bustles with activity, both legal and illegal. Located in the Thand sector, on the Coreward edges of the Expansion, the Ring of Kafrene is a halfway point for those traveling in to the Core and others seeking sanctuary far away from the interior, much like Takodana to the south in the Tashtor sector across the border in the Mid Rim.


Mid Rim, Bryx sector

From the Ring of Kafrene, be sure to stock up on supplies and check your ship’s in good working order because it’s a long haul to Wobani. Head east, back to the Corellian Trade Spine at Kinyen and travel Coreward until you hit Foless. From there cut across the Foless Crossroads to Allanteen, travel south on the Corellian Run to Gamor and then begin weaving your way north towards Daalang, making sure to steer well clear of Hutt space. Aim for Randon and Kashyyyk before hitting the Perlemian Trade Route at Lantillies and heading Rimward to Abhean before cutting south to Wobani. Upon arrival you will find a harsh, stony world partially hidden by a swirling dust cloud. Deep in the wilds of the Bryx sector and the eastern Mid Rim, the Empire set up a forced labor camp and sends citizens from across the galaxy to work off their various misdemeanors. Gray, uninviting, and with little chance of escape, these prisoners spend their days digging for ores in the hope that someday their debt to society will be repaid.

Yavin 4

Outer Rim Territories, Gordian Reach

A relatively short hop from Wobani, head back to the Perlemian and aim northeast until you hit Columex. Cut west along the Salin Corridor to Botajef in the Belsmuth sector. There head Rimward on the Hydian way up to Junction and head east into the Gordian Reach where you will find the world of Yavin and its fourth moon. Covered in lush jungles, the moon was once home to the Massassi, warriors who constructed the great Massassi Temple where the Alliance to Restore the Republic later made its base. Secluded in the depths of the great Gordian Reach, Yavin and its moons were the perfect location to strike out against the tyranny of the Empire.


Mid Rim, Terrabe sector

Leaving the Gordian Reach, head west back to the Hydian Way at Junction and jump Corewards down to the Colonies and Uviuy Exen. There head west down the Shwuy Exchange to Palanhi and across to Vakkar. From there you are on your own. With many hyperspace routes still to be officially mapped and recognised you’re at the mercy of local astrocartographers and smugglers. Head south-west back across the Colonies, Inner Rim, Expansion and into the Mid Rim and you will finally arrive at the world of NaJedha and its satellite, the holy moon of Jedha. Eternally cold, this world of sand and rock was feted across the galaxy by those who had a spiritual connection to the Force. Pilgrims would travel from across the stars to worship in the ancient city of NiJedha and pilots eager to avoid attention would restock in its ports. Surrounded by numerous uncharted systems, Jedha lay in the Terrabe sector, part of the Freestanding subsectors.


Outer Rim Territories, Bheriz sector

Your next stop is Eadu, on the opposite side of the galaxy. Head out from Jedha back into the interior until you hit N’zoth on the periphery of the Deep Core. Wind north through the Koornacht Cluster to Coruscant and join the Perlemian Trade Route. Stay on the Perlemian all the way to Lantillies, drop south past Kashyyyk down the Randon Run to Randon itself and then head east through Hutt Space along the Pabol Sleheryon past Kessel to Formos. From there, a short jump south along the Triellus Trade Route brings you to Eadu. Situated between the rimward edge of Hutt Space and the very edge of the galaxy itself, Eadu sits in the Bheriz sector, far from the prying eyes of an ever-expanding Empire and falling well within the greedy clutches of the Hutt cartels. Eadu is a storm-stricken, rocky world blighted by almost constant rainfall. A terraforming operation owned by Grand Moff Tarkin, Eadu was the site of a kyber refining facility and as such was of great importance to the Imperial war effort.


Outer Rim Territories, Abrion sector

Our final destination. Head south along the Triellus Trade Route to Syvris and down to Gamorr in the Galov sector. From there it’s a southern jump to Molavar and north up the Manda Merchant Run to Scarif in the Abrion sector. A small world of volcanic island chains and crystal clear shallow seas, this tropical paradise sat above a mantle packed with valuable dense metals essential for starship construction. Making use of its remote location in the southeast Outer Rim, the Empire built its vast Citadel Tower — a major security complex that housed vast databanks containing key Imperial schematics. The Death Star itself switched location from Geonosis to Scarif to complete its construction, while the plans for the battle station were transferred to Citadel Tower.

Thanks to Jason Fry for his assistance in locating positions of planets, moons, and asteroid belts within specific sectors.

Sources: Star Wars: The Essential Atlas, Rogue One Visual Guide, “Where in the Galaxy are the Worlds of Star Wars: The Force Awakens”

Mark has written for Star Wars Insider and Build The Millennium Falcon partwork and co-hosts RADIO 1138 and Take Cover on the Jedi News Network. He’s an honorary member of both the 501st and the Rebel Legion and when he’s not talking, tweeting or writing about Star Wars he can usually be found sleeping where he’ll most likely be dreaming about Star Wars.

Planetsof Star Wars: The Old Republic

Locationsof Star Wars: The Old Republic

Alderaan: Kaamos Territory, King's Pass, The Apalis Coast, The Elysium, The Glarus Valley, The Juran Mountains.

Balmorra: Balmorran Arms Factory, Bugtown, Camp Conquest, Camp Jacent, Ghost Town, Hazard Vault 305, Okara Droid Factory, Outpost Traken-4, Outpost Victory, Sobrik, Troida Military Workshop.

Belsavis: High Security Section, Minimum Security Section, The Tomb.

Corellia: Axial Park, Beharen Droid Factory, Blastfield Shipyards, Coronet Shipping, Coronet Zoo, Decimus's Rise, Government District, Green Jedi Enclave, Incorporation Islands, Labor Valley, Museum of Corellian Industry, Museum Republica, Republic Foundation Museum, Tears of Taris, The Bastion, The Guardian Holds.

Coruscant: Jedi Temple Ruins, Old Galactic Market, Senate Tower, The Works.

Dromund Kaas: Grathan Estate, Imperial Intelligence, Kaas City, Revanite Compound, The Citadel, The Dark Temple, The Mandalorian Enclave, The Sith Sanctum, The Unfinished Colossus, The Wilds.

Hoth: Chilling Death Spire, Clabburn Tundra, Crescent Canyon Facility, Glacial Fissure, Highmount Ridge, Icefall Plains, Star of Coruscant, Starship Graveyard, The Fatality Crash, Tromper Crags Geothermal Plant, Whiterock Wastes.

Hutta: Fa'athra's Palace, Hutta Swamps, Jiguuna, Nem'ro's Palace, Rust Yards, The Old Muckworks.

Illum: Fort Salvo, The Ilum Temple.

Korriban: Sith Academy, The Wilds, Tomb of Ajunta Pall, Tomb of Marka Ragnos, Tomb of Naga Sadow, Tomb of Tulak Hord, Valley of the Dark Lords.

Nar Shaddaa: Club Vertica Casino, Corellian Sector, Duros Sector, Lower Industrial Sector, Network Access, Nikto Sector, Red Light Sector, Shadow Town, Star Cluster Casino, The Promenade, Upper Industrial Sector.

Ord Mantell: Drelliad Village, Fort Garnik, Imperial Listening Post, Mannett Point, Oradam Village, Savrip Island, Separatist Stronghold, Talloran Village.

Quesh: Adrenal Synthesis Factory, Broga's Palace, Chem-Basin Mine, Grancha Lakand Venom Mine, Imperial Garrison, Quesh Imperial Outpost, Quesh Venom Refinery, Republic Operational Headquarters, Three Families Palace, Three Families War Camp, Yuna Bore Venom Mine.

Taris: Brejik's Run, Brell Sediment, Dynamet General, Endar Spire, Reclamation Base, Republic Resettlement Zone, Sinking City, Transport Station Five, Tularan Marsh.

Tatooine: Anchorhead, Jundland, Lightspring, Mos Ila, The Dune Sea, The Wound.

Tython: Jedi Temple, Kalikori Village, Ruins of Kaleth, The Chamber of Speech, The Forge, The Gnarls, Tythos Ridge.

Voss: Alien Enclave, Gorma-Koss, Gormegan-1, Nightmare Lands, Shrine of Healing, The Dark Heart, The Gormak Cannon, The Ruined City, The Step of Harmony, Voss-Ka.

Organizationsof Star Wars: The Old Republic

Alderaan: House Alde, House Baliss, House Girard, House Organa, House Panteer, House Rist, House Teral, House Thul, House Ulgo.

Balmorra: Balmorran Resistance.

Belsavis: Belsavis Prisoners, Dagger Wing, New Men, The Circle, The Condemned, The Dread Masters, The Followers of the Hallow Voice, The Imperial Guard, The Scourge.

Corellia: Corellian Corporate Council, Corellian Engineering Corporation, Corellian Security Force, The Corellian Rebellion, The Green Jedi, The Imperial Guard, The Outer Rim Jedi Forces.

Coruscant: Black Sun, Coruscant Security, Migrant Merchants' Guild, Strategic Information Service, The Justicars.

Dromund Kaas: Grathan Forces, Hadra Forces, Mandalorians, Rebelling Slaves, Revanites.

Hoth: Chiss Acendancy, Chiss Expansionary Defense Force, Rift Alliance Coalition Forces, The Hailstorm Brotherhood, The White Maw Pirates.

Hutta: Bog People, Czerka Corporation, Hutt Cartel, Renegade Evocii.

Illum: Deep-Miners, Kaleesh Mercenaries.

Korriban: The Dark Council, Tomb Raiders.

Nar Shaddaa: Hutt Cartel, The Exchange.

Ord Mantell: Havoc Squad, Republic Military Ranks, Republic Special Forces, Separatist Movement.

Taris: Cathar Settlers, Morgukai, Pirates and Scavengers, Tarisian Settlers, The 75th Legion.

Tatooine: Czerka Corporation, Imperial Reclamation Services, The Ghost Cell, Twin Suns.

Tython: Jedi Council, Twi'lek Pilgrims.

Voss: Gormak Shamans, Mystics, Voss Commandos.

Persons of Notefor Star Wars: The Old Republic

Alderaan: Bouris Ulgo, Captain Cormac (Trooper), Duke Corwin 'The Durasteel Duke' (Bounty Hunter), Duke Kendoh (Sith Warrior), General Gesselle Organa (Sith Warrior), Intelligence Profile: Vector Hyllus (Imperial Agent), Lord Nefarid (Jedi Knight), Markus Thul (Trooper), Nomar Organa (Sith Inquisitor), Rehanna Rist (Sith Inquisitor), Risha (Smuggler).

Balmorra: Admiral Ivernus (Bounty Hunter), Akaavi Spar (Smuggler), Brel Orus (Trooper), Commander Rylon (Sith Warrior), Darth Lachris (Empire), Darth Lachris (Republic - Jedi Consular), Doc (Jedi Knight), Lieutenant Major Pirrell (Bounty Hunter), Major Bessiker (Sith Inquisitor), Malavai Quinn (Sith Warrior), Numen Brock (Smuggler), Station Chief (Imperial Agent), Tanno Vik (Trooper), Warren Sedoru (Jedi Knight), Zenith (Jedi Consular).

Belsavis: Captain Zale Barrows (Bounty Hunter), Darth Ekkage (Sith Warrior), Executor Krannus (Jedi Knight), Hallow Voice (Jedi Consular), Intelligence Profile: SCORPIO (Imperial Agent), Ivory (Smuggler), Lord Ondorru (Trooper), Nadia Grell (Jedi Consular), Pak Taldine (Jedi Knight), Skadge (Bounty Hunter), The Mother Machine (Sith Inquisitor).

Corellia: Chairman Harlon Fane (Bounty Hunter), Cole Cantarus, Commissioner Jonah Carter (Bounty Hunter), Councilor Belos, Councilor Caicos (Smuggler), Darbin Sull, Darth Acharon, Darth Charnus, Darth Decimus, Darth Hadra, Darth Vowrawn (Sith Warrior), General Aves, General Hesker, Jedi Master Jun Seros (Bounty Hunter), Locke (Trooper), Lord Skar (Sith Inquisitor), Master Arfan Ramos, The Entity (Sith Warrior), The First Son (Jedi Consular), The Real Darmas Polleran (Smuggler).

Coruscant: Darmas Pollaran, Darth Angral (Jedi Knight), General Garza, General Var Suthra (Jedi Knight), Kira Carsen (Jedi Knight).

Dromund Kaas: Darth Jadus (Imperial Agent)

Hoth: Blizz (Bounty Hunter), Broonmark (Sith Warrior), Captain Valon (Jedi Consular), Guardsman Lassicar (Jedi Knight), Leeha Narezz (Jedi Knight), Lieutenant Felix Iresso (Jedi Consular), Lord Scourge (Jedi Knight), Lunguss 'Guss' Tuno (Smuggler), Master Wyellet (Sith Warrior), Reneget Vause (Bounty Hunter), Sergeant Fideltyn Rusk (Jedi Knight), Sergeant Yuun (Trooper), Shai Tenna (Smuggler), SIS Dossier: Ensign Raina Temple (Imperial Agent), Talos Drellik (Sith Inquisitor).

Hutta: Braden (Bounty Hunter), Fa'athra the Hutt, Intelligence Profile: Kaliyo Djannis (Imperial Agent), Intelligence Profile: The Red Blade (Imperial Agent), Jaesa Wilsaam (Sith Warrior), Keeper (Imperial Agent), Mako (Bounty Hunter), Nem'ro the Hutt, Tarro Blood (Bounty Hunter).

Illum:, Admiral Shai, Darth Arho, Darth Malgus, Grand Moff Regus, Master Jaric Kaedan, Supreme Commander Rans.

Korriban: Darth Baras (Sith Warrior), Khem Val (Sith Inquisitor), Lord Zash (Sith Inquisitor), Overseer Harkun (Sith Inquisitor), Overseer Tremel (Sith Warrior), Vette (Sith Warrior).

Nar Shaddaa: Bowdaar (Smuggler), Destris Veran and Rylee Dray (Sith Inquisitor), Drooga the Hutt (Smuggler), Gele'ren (Bounty Hunter), Halidrell Setsyn (Sith Warrior), Intelligence Profile: Watcher X (Imperial Agent), Jonas Balkar (Trooper), Lord Paladius (Sith Inquisitor), Lord Rathari (Sith Warrior), Lord Sadic (Jedi Knight), M1-4X (Trooper), Tharan Cedrax (Jedi Consular), The Eidolon (Bounty Hunter).

Ord Mantell: Aric Jorgan (Trooper), Commander Harron Tavus (Trooper), Corso Riggs (Smuggler), Rogun the Butcher (Smuggler), Skavak (Smuggler).

Quesh: General Korvan, Moff Dracen.

Taris: Ashara Zavros (Sith Inquisitor), Beryl Thorne (Smuggler), Cin Tykan (Jedi Consular), Doctor Godera (Jedi Knight), Elara Dorne (Trooper), Governor Saresh, Jicoln Cadera (Bounty Hunter), Lieutenant Pierce (Sith Warrior), SIS Dossier: Doctor Eckard Lokin (Imperial Agent), Thana Vesh, Torian Cadera (Bounty Hunter).

Tatooine: Andronikos Revel (Sith Inquisitor), Diago Hixan (Smuggler), Gault Rennow (Bounty Hunter), Lord Praven (Jedi Knight), Master Yonlach (Sith Warrior), Mayor Klerren (Trooper), Sharack Breev (Sith Warrior), The Lady of Pain (Bounty Hunter), Tyresius Lokai (Bounty Hunter).

Tython: Orgus Din (Jedi Knight), Qyzen Fess (Jedi Consular), Satele Shan, Syo Bakarn (Jedi Consular), T7-01 (Jedi Knight), Yuon Par (Jedi Consular).

Voss: Ambassador Jannik, Ambassador Yoran (Bounty Hunter), Darth Severin, Dokath-Ra (Bounty Hunter), Gaden-Ko (Jedi Consular), General Thelonia Redrish (Bounty Hunter), Jela Reneke (Smuggler), Jokull, Lokir-Ka (Smuggler), Lord Fulminiss (Jedi Knight), Lord Torius (Trooper), Madaga-Ru (Sith Warrior), Senator Evran (Trooper), Tala-Reh (Jedi Knight), Xalek (Sith Inquisitor).

Loreof Star Wars: The Old Republic

Alderaan: Battle of Alderaan, History of Alderaan, Jedi Diplomacy, Joiners and the Killik Hive Mind, Noble Houses, Operation: Silverplate, The Death Mark, The Head of Darth Bandon, The War for Alderaan's Throne.

Balmorra: Balmorran Corporations, Balmorran Pollution, Colicoid Queen, Imperial Military on Balmorra, Imperial Subjugation, Imperial Subjugation, Operation: Blackout, Republic Relations with Balmorra, The Barrager, The Invasion of Balmorra.

Belsavis: Belsavis Automated Security, Belsavis Prison Break, Belsavis Prison Personnel, Belsavis Vaults, Black Codex: Origins of the Star Cabal, Esh-Kha Culture, History of Belsavis Prison, Mind Trap, Primeval Beasts, Rakata Technology, The Domination Experiments, The Infinite Empire, The World Razer.

Corellia: A Culture of Freedom, Black Codex: The Star Cabal's Endgame, Corellian Government, Coronet City, Firestorm Lasers, First-Class Corellian Bloodstripes, History of Corellia, Invasion of Corellia, Medal of Imperial Glory, Starship Manufacturing, The Bakvalen Family, The Fall of Tol Braga, The Kaggath, The Legislature, The Lucky Lancer, The Rocket Tram System.

Coruscant: History of Coruscant, Reconstruction of Coruscant, Republic Government, The Sacking of Coruscant.

Dromund Kaas: Lord Parnax's Lost Recordings, Monument to Lord Ergast, Sithspawn, The Blade of the Sith Executioner, The Obliteration of Kressh, The Phobis Devices, The Spires of Victory.

Hoth: Caught Between Two Foes, Hoth: No Place for Vehicles, Imperial War Strategy: Quagmires, Keeping Warm: Do's and Don'ts, Salvaging Starships, The Battle of Hoth, The Scorekeeper, The Umbra Encrypter.

Hutta: Carbonite Freezing, Evocar, Evocii Exile, Evocii History, Evocii Tribes, The Great Hunt, Varl.

Illum: Ilum Crystals, Pilgrimages to Ilum, Stealth Technology and Warfare, The Battle for Ilum, The Republic's Alien Allies.

Korriban: Admission to the Sith Academy, Legacy of Tulak Hord, Sith Titles, Sith Weapons, Slavery in the Empire, The Red Engine.

Nar Shaddaa: Data Slicing, Exo-technology, High Security Lockdown, Imperial Intelligence Gadget Warehouse, Imperial Re-education Center, Lower/Upper Office Attrium, Mercenary Training Facility, Network Security District, Operation: Glass Echo, Power Guards, Republic Research Division, Slave Trading on Nar Shaddaa, The Spice Business.

Ord Mantell: Refugees of War, Ruled by Corruption, Smuggling 101, Split by Rebellion, Underworld Influences.

Quesh: Atmosphere of Quesh, Discovering Quesh Venom, Hutt Neutrality, Military Adrenals, Quesh Venom, The Quake, The Three Families.

Taris: Environment of Taris, Geroya Be Haran, Jedi Civil War, Malak's Attack, Rakghoul Disease, Republic Reconstruction.

Taris: Taris and Nonhumans, The Promised Ones.

Tatooine: History of Tatooine, Jedi Cultural Immersion, Krayt Dragon, Operation: Ghostbreaker, Operation: Stoneduster, Sand Rot, Shock Drum, The Sarlacc, Tulak Hord's Madness.

Tython: Holocron, Jedi Weapons, Rebuilding the Jedi Order, Rediscovering Tython, The Principles of Rajivari.

Voss: Black Codex: Operation: Shining Man, Dream-Walking, Gormak and Voss Origins, Law and Order on Voss, Legend of the Shining Man, Mystic Visions, Potential Mystics, The Deep Cradle, The Forbidden Ritual, The Imperial Attack on Voss, The Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Healing, The Three, The Voice of the Emperor.

Companionsof Star Wars: The Old Republic

Bounty Hunter
  • Blizz (Hoth)
  • Gault Rennow (Tatooine)
  • Mako (Hutta)
  • Skadge (Belsavis)
  • Torian Cadera (Taris)
Imperial Agent
  • Intelligence Profile: Kaliyo Djannis (Hutta)
  • Intelligence Profile: SCORPIO (Belsavis)
  • Intelligence Profile: Vector Hyllus (Alderaan)
  • SIS Dossier: Doctor Eckard Lokin (Taris)
  • SIS Dossier: Ensign Raina Temple (Hoth)
Jedi Consular
  • Lieutenant Felix Iresso (Hoth)
  • Nadia Grell (Belsavis)
  • Qyzen Fess (Tython)
  • Tharan Cedrax (Nar Shaddaa)
  • Zenith (Balmorra)
Jedi Knight
  • Doc (Balmorra)
  • Kira Carsen (Coruscant)
  • Lord Scourge (Hoth)
  • Sergeant Fideltyn Rusk (Hoth)
  • T7-01 (Tython)
Sith Inquisitor
  • Andronikos Revel (Tatooine)
  • Ashara Zavros (Taris)
  • Khem Val (Korriban)
  • Talos Drellik (Hoth)
  • Xalek (Voss)
Sith Warrior
  • Broonmark (Hoth)
  • Jaesa Wilsaam (Hutta)
  • Lieutenant Pierce (Taris)
  • Malavai Quinn (Balmorra)
  • Vette (Korriban)
  • Akaavi Spar (Balmorra)
  • Bowdaar (Nar Shaddaa)
  • Corso Riggs (Ord Mantell)
  • Lunguss 'Guss' Tuno (Hoth)
  • Risha (Alderaan)
  • Aric Jorgan (Ord Mantell)
  • Elara Dorne (Taris)
  • M1-4X (Nar Shaddaa)
  • Sergeant Yuun (Hoth)
  • Tanno Vik (Balmorra)

Speciesof Star Wars: The Old Republic

Alderaan: Killik.

Balmorra: Colicoid, Gran.

Corellia: Drall, Selonian.

Coruscant: Gand, Gree, Nautolan, Sullustan, Ugnaught.

Dromund Kaas: Chevin, Duros, Kubaz, Selkath.

Hoth: Chiss, Ortolan, Talz.

Hutta: Evocii, Hutt, Ugnaught.

Korriban: Abyssin, Dashade, Sith Pureblood.

Nar Shaddaa: Gen'Dai

Ord Mantell: Cathar, Kel Dor, Mon Calamari, Rodian.

Tatooine: Gamorrean, Geonosian, Jawa, Rakata, Sand People.

Tython: Cathar, Flesh Raiders, Twi'lek, Zabrak.

Voss: Gormak, Voss.

Bestiaryof Star Wars: The Old Republic

Alderaan: Bolraida, Iraida, Thranta, Vorn Tiger, Vulagool.

Balmorra: Bormu, Dragonbat, Mutated Colicoid, Wingmaw, Zeldrate.

Belsavis: Acklay, Terentatek.

Corellia: Lurker

Coruscant: Cthon, Salky Hound, Skyslasher.

Dromund Kaas: Gundark, Jurgoran, Sleen, Vine Cat, Yozusk.

Hoth: Icetromper, Pantran Whitefang, Skel, Tauntaun, Wampa.

Hutta: Akk Dog, Chemilizard, Kintan Crusher, Reek, Xuvva.

Illum: Asharl Panther, Bogwing, Kath Hound.

Korriban: K'lor'slug, Shyrack, Terentatek, The Beast of Marka Ragnos, Tuk'ata.

Nar Shaddaa: Gundark, Vrblther.

Ord Mantell: Gapillian Grazer, Mantellian Flutterplume, Razoronn, Savrip.

Star Wars Imperial Base Map 2

Quesh: Harvap, Harvorisk, Lobel, Trinthan Prowler.

Taris: Bogstalker, Ferrazid Hound, Nekghoul, Nexu, Rakghoul, Tarsarian Devourer, Varactyl.

Tatooine: Bantha, Dewback, Duneclaw, Rancor, Reek, Rill, Sand Demon, Sandtusker, Scyk, Terentatek, Womp Rat, Wraid.

Tython: Guid, Horranth, Manka Cat, Terentatek, Tythonian War Droid, Uxibeast.

Star Wars Imperial Base Map Download

Voss: Cyberbeasts, Mawvorr, Shaclaw, Vorantikus.


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